Tuesday, May 19, 2009

We Have a House...Maybe

We interrupt this blog post for a very important announcement. BonnieH, we haven’t heard from you on winning Angie Fox’s book.

If we don’t hear from you by Friday another winner will be chosen. Please email me at vickilanewrites@yahoo.com with your snail mail addy and please put Winner Angie Fox in the subject line.

Now, back to our regularly scheduled post, or ramble as it the case today.

Hey everyone,

I know I've been MIA for the past week and not around too much the week before that as well. And yes, life has been draining to say the least. Work, house hunting, (which equals some disappointment), and becoming the president of my local chapter.

Oh yeah, better add in the family here too. They like to have their time on occasion. :)
I can't say that work is better yet. It's not. Hopefully in the next few weeks decisions will be made so that I'm not running around trying to do way too many jobs at the same time in what I used to think was plenty of time to be at work. Yeah, I know, run on sentence. But that's how my work life is right now...run on and on.

Back to the house. We found one. We love it. We want it. The bank owns it. No really they do. Not in a bank owns it until you pay it off way. So...they countered our offer, we accepted their counter and everything should be just grand. Really, is it ever just grand.

We were approved back in January when we started this process for way more than this house cost. But it's now May and although we're more than approved, I found out yesterday (while at work), that they needed all the paperwork again. And they wanted it yesterday (while I was at work).

Scrambling? Oh yeah. Science Guy went to the Realtors while I scanned everything in from me at the office and emailed it. Which meant I had to pull bank records, taxes, and pay info.
Now we wait until Wednesday for the final final acceptance of our offer. In the meantime they can still show the house if they want too. I so don't want strangers walking around in what I've now come to believe as my house.

So fingers crossed, okay maybe toes, we need our fingers to write. :) And hopefully next week, I'll it will be an absolute.

What about you? Have you been through the house hunting mill? Get your hopes up and then realize it might not happen? How do you handle it while you're waiting?

Writing Wishes and Plotting Dreams,


LKap said...

I know it's been crazy but I have faith everything will be just fine. You need to breathe and remember what is most important in all that you're doing.
Good luck

Vicki said...

Thanks L and thanks even more for letting me rant to you yesterday. :)

Anonymous said...

We did the whole house hunting thing back at the beginning of the peak. We sold our house in two days and had one weekend to look at houses and pick one to buy.

Vicki said...

Jill - omg, that would have scared me to death.