Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Welcome To Vicki's World

Today’s my first official blog. Who will read it? Maybe no one but I decided to start doing this after our TARA (Tampa Area Romance Authors…see link on the right) meeting in March. We had Shannon Aviles as our speaker. One of the things she spoke about was blogging and how we needed to do this now before we were published. So, here I am.

I guess for the first blog I’ll tell you a little about me. I’m a writer. I write paranormal and romantic suspense. Okay, so you probably figured that out from the header.

Actually I’ve been a writer for as long as I can remember. Writing short stories and even little plays that my sister and I would act out when we were very young. Not much else to do on a Friday night when your 8 years old.

My favorite memory of writing, the one that made me realize that I could do this was when I was in 8th grade (hmmmm….could be a pattern here with the number 8). Our teacher put pictures on the blackboard, yes, I said blackboard. They didn’t use whiteboards back then. Anyway, she asked us to pick a picture and write a short story. Somewhere in the story the scene in the picture had to take place. I was so proud of my story and couldn’t wait for the “A” I was sure to get. Nope, not even close. The lady gave me an “F” and wrote a note to my mom that I should not be allowed to copy a story from “True Romance”. Now, you must know that back in the day “True Romance” was considered erotica by many. My mom had to go to the school and tell the teacher that I had not copied it but wrote the entire story myself. I got an “A” but the teacher always gave me weird looks after that.

I currently live in Florida with a wonderful man who I’ll call Science Guy (no it’s not Bill Nye). I have two grown people, can’t really call them children anymore, but they’re my kids and I’m so proud of them. My daughter is a teacher in Arizona and my son is in college and works full time.

The other two loves of my life are my puppies, Meshia (a Shih-Tzu) and Sassy (a Chihuahua).

I love to read and at the present time I’m reading J. R. Ward. Wow. She is an incredible writer. Even if you don’t like paranormal I promise you will love her books.

My favorite place to chill is the beach. I know, I know what about the whole sun thing. Wear sunscreen and a hat. I love to hear the water hitting the shore. To me it’s one of the most peaceful sounds and I can truly relax there.

Okay, enough about me. Why don’t you tell me something about you like where is your favorite place or who is your favorite author. Do you have pets? What kind of music do you like?

Enjoy your day.


Anonymous said...

Hey Vicki, an awesome blog. Looks great. Sorry I'm just now getting a chance to check it out.

Joy Renee said...

Being accused of plagiarism by a teacher happened to me too. Very similar incident. Except it was 6th grade, a term-paper. and a male teacher probably fresh out of college whom I had a bit of a crush on. He didn't write a note to my Mom tho. Nor did he flunk the paper. He gave it a C/D (technical/composition) and then threatened F/F if I challenged him and forced him to hunt down my sources to prove the plagiarism. I kept quiet. I'd been raised not to challenge authority figures.

This didn't even tempt me to stop writing either. But I suspect it is an element of my reticence in submitting my work. I'm nearly twice the age he was then; time to get over it already!! :)