Thursday, August 19, 2010


Some of you are aware that one of my WIP’s has a reincarnation theme.

Which then got me to thinking, about things in our lives we like without being able to explain them.

I have quite a few things where I can tell you the moment my life was changed and why I do certain things. Take being an animal lover for instance. It happened when I was in second grade where we watched a movie on animal abuse – I know, right – second grade!!! From that day forward I brought home any stray that needed a home. And, I’m still that way.

Cause => Effect

It’s that simple.

But what about those things you can’t explain….

For instance I love lace. Have no idea why. My mom isn’t the lacy type, neither were my grandmothers. Me? Yep – even added Italian Victorian lace to my wedding dress. It is something so simple that pulls me and I can’t explain it. Like my fascination with Italy, Pearls, the sea – I can’t explain why, it just is.

So then, the brain goes into overdrive and I start to wonder why I’m pulled to a certain look in a man. Where did I acquire that personal taste?

Hence, bringing me back to my original thought – Did I live in another time? What did lace have to do with my life? Was there a man in my past life that had the same characteristics as the characteristics I look for to this day?

I can’t answer these questions, probably no one can (okay, someone can try), but would I believe I was a Mafia princess in the 1800’s (just taking in all the things I love and coming up with something semi-logical…LOL), even if someone told me that – probably not.

But in looking at all of that, I can see how my brain works on plots, causes and effects. Funny how that happens huh?

So have you got anything you like or dislike that you really can’t explain?

Let me know – I love this stuff



Vicki said...

The moon. I love the moon. I know other people do as well and it doesn't sound like such a big thing, but for me it is.

It's been that way since, well forever. I'll stop anything to look at the moon and the feeling isn't just look how cool that looks, but more of a oneness with the moon itself. As if it calls to me and knows me and I know it.

Weird, huh.

LKap said...

interesting because you are actually a water sign, not a moon sign - but you do love the ocean at night :-)