Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tuesday Check In

Tuesday Check In

I know, I normally check in on Monday’s, but it is a new year. Since I check in on Tuesday’s with my TARA group, I thought it might be easier to do it on the same day here as well. The excel spreadsheet won’t be as pretty (yellow for Monday’s and pink for Tuesday’s), but it will be easier to keep track of. :)

I’m still in revision land and can I say that this is not my happy place. I like the changes I’m making; however, it’s long a tedious to get through them. Since I need to have the hard copy in front of me to write on, it takes twice as long. Write on the hard copy and then go to the computer and put in the changes.

So, here is the word count for the week. 582, yep, that is it. Which is okay, since I’ve cut words, rearranged some scenes. I finished with chapter six last night, actually putting it in the computer. I have chapter seven done on the hard copy and will work on it tonight.

My goal for this week: Finish four more chapters (7 – 11), work on the synopsis (yuck), and write the query letter. Oh, and also work on the upcoming writers retreat, my local chapter is having the first week in February and finish working on the by-laws. Yep, by-laws for our chapter according to the new ones sent out by RWA. We have to make sure ours reads accordingly.

Add that to changes happening at the day job and life is busy.

How about you? Have you started your goals for 2008? Did you write this past week? Think about it? Plot out your new book? Or are you in revision land as well?

In February I will start the contest again, so if there is a book you would like to see offered let me know.

Writing Wishes and Plotting Dreams,

PS. Check out the Manuscript Mavens this week. They are doing tips for writers all week. Yesterday was Maven Erica and it was fabulous.

PSS. Over on Predators and Editors, Predpoll, they have poll and not only are the Mavens there, so am I. How cool is that. If you haven’t voted, go over and take a look and vote. :)


Bill Clark said...

Oh, gee, Vicki, I was in such a rush to vote for the Mavens I didn't see your name there. :-(

I think you're doing the right thing to edit on hard copy, so that you can see how things actually look on the page. Yeah, it's a pain to enter the changes, but I've always found the editing process works better on paper instead of onscreen.

Vicki said...

No worries, Bill. I didn't know I was there either until I went to vote for the Mavens. Which I still voted them anyway. Their blog is wonderful!

Yep, you're right. It's not as easy but I sure do find more things that way.

Jill James said...

Congrats Vicki for plodding along with the rewrites. I wrote 123 words on a short story I'm going to submit to a magazine. More this week for sure!!!!!

Danika Dinsmore said...

Hey Vicki - I've missed checking in and I've missed writing.

Note to self: DO NOT buy a home and move in at the same time you start a new full time job.

I have written less than 1,000 words since mid-Nov.

Right now? I just want to finish this book by my 40th birthday, which is in 6 weeks.

I'm going for 100 words per day minimum until then, starting tomorrow.

Rewriting is a bit sloggy - but doesn't it feel good? I love tightening stuff up, that feeling that it just keeps getting better and better.

Stephie Smith said...

I feel better finding someone else who hates revising. Every time I bring up the subject, whoever I'm talking to says something disgusting like, "Oh, I just LOVE the revison process." SMACK! Anyway, good luck with the revisions.

Love the links but took me a while to find the poll because your link is missing part of the URL. (Why doesn't my resources or contests page ever get on these things?)

PatriciaW said...

582 words is, well...582 words! I believe that's a whole heap greater than zero, so pat yourself on the back. Rewrites are hard.

Danika Dinsmore said...

Stephie - I guess I'd get a SMACK from you... haha.

I think they are challenging, but I do love them. I get excited after fixing one more thing or solving one more issue.

Plus, it's so nice to have that first draft to play around with. It's such a relief to me.