Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Liars Diary and Patry Francis

I first read about this over on Patricia’s blog, which led me to this post. Although I missed yesterday being the day that over 300, yes you read right, over 300 authors put the book and story on their blogs, I wanted to put it up today.

Like Stephie, I do not know Patry Francis and have not read the book. However, you can bet I will be buying and reading it. Not only is her journey amazing, but the power of authors to unite and help out another author, who most do not know, well…frankly it blew me away.

Patry’s writing is amazing and drew me in completely. I laughed and cried in the same blog. One of the coolest things she said was what your Bliss number is. You’ll have to read the post to find out what I’m talking about.

Here is the thing. This incredible woman and writer has cancer. She is not at this time able to do her own marketing for her first book, due to the toll it is taking on her. So that’s what we are here for. To unite together and help someone who we don’t even know, yet has voice like nobody’s business.

Check out her blog and the links to the others above. On Stephie’s you’ll find the list/link to the authors who blogged about this yesterday. Amazing!!
Tomorrow I leave for the TARA retreat so I may be scares until Monday. Have a great weekend everyone.

Oh yeah, one more plug…check out the Mauscriptmavens blog. Tomorrow starts the next story where each day you will pick what happens next.

WW’s and PD’s,


PatriciaW said...

Thanks Vicki! I missed the date too but I think that if authors keep spreading the word, it will be a blessing to Patry.

Sarah Mäkelä said...

The Michael Hauge retreat was definitely awesome. Thanks once again for all of the hard work you put into making it happen!

I tagged you! You're it! The details are on my blog at

=) Have a great day!

Vicki said...

Patricia - hey you, how's the book coming??? We may have missed the date, but keeping it alive is just as important. And if you had not put it on your blog I wouldn't have seen it to put it on mine.

Sarah - The retreat was great! I loved being there with everyone.

I'm on my way to your blog to check out the tag. :D