Wednesday, March 16, 2011

American Idol – New & Improved?

I admit it, I love, love, love American Idol. I’ve watched it from the very beginning. I used to vote each week, but now, not so much. I’ve learned over the years of the show that there are many who don’t win Idol and yet go on to have a better career than the winners. So now, even though I may have my fav’s, I pretty much leave it up to the rest of the voters to keep them on the show or not. Which means if my fav is voted off I can’t complain. Nope, just root for someone else at that point.

Science Guy and I had decided we’d give it through Hell Hollywood week and maybe the first live show to decide if we’d continue to watch. Guess what, we’re hooked again.
The new judges and new format (how quickly they narrowed it down to 12 13), seem to be working. Nothing is stale and we aren’t sitting around waiting to get it ‘really’ started.

Both Steven Tyler and J-Lo are great IMVHO. They critique them, but they’re totally destroying anyone, which I like. Although I will say, this year has an abundance of talent. Most of them look like they been on the big stage forever. For me this is a double edge sword. I liked seeing them come into their own, growing each week with more confidence on the stage, reacting with the crowd and the TV audience more.

And I have to admit, Steven Tyler cracks me up. He’s trying to be good (most of the time), but really, he is who he is and it’s just going to come out.

It is a little odd each week when I see Randy in Simon’s seat and I’m not sure if he’s torn between being Randy and throwing a little bit of Simon in there.

One of my favorite changes is the fact that each contestant can stay true to who they are. Since American Idol is all about finding fresh new talent, then I love that country, rockers, jazz, etc. can stay true their voice. Wonder why it took so many seasons for them to figure this out?
All in all, I think they did a great job of choosing the new judges and hope they’ll stay on for a few seasons, if Idol continues on.

Your turn. Are you watching it this season? If so, what do you think about the new judges, the format, or really anything else new about the show? And do you have a favorite already, or are you still trying to figure that one out?



PatriciaW said...

I'm watching. Just as hooked as you. Love the new judges. I think they're better than Simon, Randy and Paula were, as a group. I don't agree with some who say this is the most talented group ever, and I wish they'd kept the minimum age to 16. But I'm loving it!

Vicki said...

Patricia - I wish they'd kept the same age limit as well. Although there were some really talented 15 year olds, I always worry they are too young to handle the stress and wouldn't really know what to do if they won.

Ann Schach said...

Oh my gosh...I am so watching, as is my husband! I love Jennifer and Steve. Randy seems to be trying to discover what his role is now that Simon has departed.